Call it Kismet…
After a 15K step walk at one of my favorite gardens in LA, I thought I would use the restroom (I know.. this is so TMI) before I hit the road back home. As I was about to open the stall door, I noticed a $5 dollar bill in the crevice of one of the hinges. The first thought that came to me was that someone had accidentally left their money there, but then, my curiosity kicked in. I reached for it and slowly opened the rolled up bill to find a post it that read, “Choose joy.”
This simple act of kindness not only made me feel all warm and tingly inside, but it made me realize that you don’t have to move mountains to make a difference. Kindness requires no effort. It has no bounds. We can always choose to be kind and spark joy to lift someone’s spirits.
Oh, and if you’re wondering what I did with the money, I paid it forward with my new note that read, “Choose love.”
Choose Joy